Monday, October 21, 2024
HomeE.U.Meloni to rescue Italy-Albania migrant deal after court ruling

Meloni to rescue Italy-Albania migrant deal after court ruling

Italy’s government, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, is working on amendments after a Rome court has ordered the first 12 migrants processed under the new scheme to be returned to Italy.

Following the court decision to block the processing of 12 migrants, Meloni called a cabinet meeting on Monday, 21 October. She stated that it was up to the government, not the judiciary, to “determine which countries are safe.”

The foreign, interior and justice ministries would draft a decree over the weekend to update the list of safe countries every six months, Justice Minister Carlo Nordio said.

The definition of a safe country cannot be left to the judiciary; it is a political decision, albeit within the framework of international law.

Meloni claimed that the court’s decision was “prejudiced.” In another statement published in a press release by Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia party, the judiciary faction was accused of being “politicised” and trying to “oppose this government.”

On Friday the Rome court ruled against the detention of migrants in an Italian repatriation centre in Gjader, Albania. The ruling is in line with a 4 October ruling by the EU Court of Justice, which criticised the concept of “safe countries.”

According to the EU court, member states cannot deport migrants to third countries where they face the death penalty, torture or inhuman treatment.

Meanwhile, the Italian opposition asked the European Commission whether Brussels intended to open a case against Italy for violating migration laws in connection with the Albania migration deal. Italian journalist and activist Maurizio Belpietro also voiced indignation.

The principle of the Roman togas on which the stop to the transfers of illegal immigrants to Albania is based is insane. According to this logic, we will no longer be able to refuse asylum to anyone: from Russians to Chinese, to Indians.


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