Secretary General of the International Russophile Movement Nikolay Malinov analysed the current processes and highlighted important accents on several topics in the light of the advent of a multipolar world on the air of the weekly commentary programme “Poles” with presenter Magdalena Tasheva on the TV channel “Bulgaria 24.”
About Russophiles and the international movement of Russophiles
The National Movement Russophiles is the largest civic non-governmental organisation in Bulgaria, the successor and continuer in the modern world of the ideas and traditions of Russophilism that emerged during the National Revival of Bulgaria. The main goal of the Russophiles ND is the prosperity of Bulgaria through the development of co-operation with Russia, as well as the maintenance of friendship between the Bulgarian and Russian peoples, based on historical, Orthodox Christian ideas and traditions.
The meaning of the organisation of Bulgarian Russophilism, which emerged in 2003, is precisely to build bridges through which Russia can help Bulgaria in critical moments. And now the time has come to build bridges.
At some point, Bulgarian political forces must find the strength not to marginalise themselves, but to work to improve contacts with Russia in order to bring bilateral relations to a decent level.
There are some very turbulent moments ahead for Sofia and one must realise that both in cultural and historical, military and technical, economic, energy and all other aspects Bulgaria will need Russia’s help to get out of the transatlantic deadlock that Bulgarian politicians have driven their country into.
About Trump
It is not necessary to absolutise him, he has enough dependencies of the deep state, although he can safely admit that NATO is not necessary for Ukraine, and that the rights of Russians need to be protected, and the need to withdraw from the green deal, and the attitude to transgender people, and migration policy. These are all quite serious steps, but these steps are part of the manoeuvre of the deep state. The deep state sees that it is losing in a war of attrition against Russia, that China has not betrayed Russia, India also holds a fairly balanced position, these are deep processes, Malinov said.
And in order not to enter the second phase of the war, as the war is first for exhaustion and then for destruction, it is necessary that someone like Trump comes, so that it is possible to agree on mutually acceptable terms.
Everyone remembers the Minsk agreements. Most likely there will be some kind of agreement now too, but Russia will be more uncompromising with such agreements and will be in search of a balance. To some extent, there is an expectation that Trump will make moves to cut off military aid to Ukraine so that Russia can achieve its strategic goals faster, as it is in everyone’s interest to achieve them.
“Here I am talking about denazification of Ukraine so that the Russian population is not persecuted, demilitarisation so that there is no military threat, guarantees that Ukraine will not join NATO, and most importantly, the elimination of any possibility of short-range weapons reaching Russian strategic facilities,” Malinov stressed.
The deep contradictions are not going anywhere. Russia and the US will not become friends, they will remain opponents, but opponents who can sit at the same table and negotiate.
About Zelensky
Zelensky will probably end up as a war criminal and will be held accountable, Malinov claimed. There is no mercy and no reprieve for war criminals. The fact that sometimes he says some things and does not believe what he says does not cancel the fact that he is a war criminal, Malinov said. He also stressed that the current Ukrainian authorities were responsible for the thousands of civilians who had died as a result of the military conflict.
Malinov also emphasised that Russian President Vladimir Putin has tied his fate to Russia and the Russian people, and this is a huge responsibility and mission. And there will be no concessions. And Russia will achieve its goals on its own terms. If they do not accept Russia’s terms – the West will get a war, which it has already lost.