Wednesday, October 2, 2024
HomeE.U.Czech parties to insist on Green Deal cancellation after EU elections

Czech parties to insist on Green Deal cancellation after EU elections

Two Czech parties have approved a joint list of candidates for the 2024 EU elections on Saturday, declaring the cancellation of the European Green Deal a top priority.

Freedom and Direct Democracy party (ID) will run together with Trikolora, the party of a former member of the Civic Democrats (ODS, ECR). Petr Mach, a former Czech MEP, will lead the candidate list.

“We will try to reverse the whole Green Deal, and we will do it in cooperation. All of us in the Freedom and Direct Democracy party will continue to work together in the group in which we cooperate in the European Parliament today.”

Trikolora is not affiliated with any European party, as it was established in 2019 and has no MEP. However, the Freedom and Direct Democracy party is a member of the Identity and Democracy (ID) party.

I believe that this group (ID) will be significantly strengthened and will increase our chances of promoting these ideas of ours.

According to a new forecast by the Europe Elects organisation regarding seats in the EU parliament, if the EU elections were held today, the ID group would win 87 out of 705 seats. The group currently has 60.

The ID includes such parties as the French nationalist Rassemblement National (RN) led by Marine Le Pen, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and Matteo Salvini’s Lega in Italy.

The two Czech parties are seeking more than three seats in the 2024 elections. Their joint list of candidates also includes incumbent ID MEP Ivan David and Trikolora leader Zuzana Majerová.


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