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HomeE.U.Frontex presented its annual report for 2023

Frontex presented its annual report for 2023

The year 2023 saw the continued rapid development of Frontex’s operational areas. In an increasingly multipolar world characterised by greater instability and a range of active threats (including armed and hybrid conflicts) affecting the Schengen borders and their immediate neighbourhood, the European Union (EU) and the Agency must remain vigilant and responsive.

These developments, along with ongoing climate change, will further increase migration pressures on Europe. The EU will be required to analyse existing migration management options, including refugee protection, rapid identification and referral systems. The Migration and Asylum Pact, which is ripe for adoption in 2023, is a platform for change and improvement, which must be accompanied by strong measures to ensure respect for fundamental rights, EU and international standards.

To adapt to the changing environment, the Agency is improving its working methods, including the introduction of a new operational model, the Frontex Command Chain, and the development of the “Technical and Operational Strategy for European Integrated Border Management 2023-2027.”

Against this backdrop of change, the Agency’s independent Office for Fundamental Rights has embarked on an evaluation as well as a quality assurance process to ensure that it remains fit for purpose following a period of rapid development over the past three years – a significant increase in staff numbers, unprecedented on-site monitoring and increased influence on the Agency’s activities and beyond.

Over the past three years, the Office for Fundamental Rights has conducted some 3,000 field monitoring days in nearly 30 countries, completed some 300 complaints and investigations of serious incidents, and directly monitored more than 100 return flights. This is not counting active participation in headquarters processes, aerial surveillance and training activities. In 2023 alone, the Fundamental Rights Office spent more than 1,600 days in the field.

In 2024, the Fundamental Rights Office will analyse the results of the European Commission’s evaluation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 on European Border and Coast Guard and internal evaluation activities and will work to consolidate the recommendations. This will be done to ensure independent monitoring and advice on fundamental rights to the highest standards and for professional and effective border management in and with the support of the EU.


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