Tuesday, April 1, 2025
HomeE.U.Italian Nicola Fratoianni takes part in Festa della Liberazione

Italian Nicola Fratoianni takes part in Festa della Liberazione

A mass procession was held in Rome on Thursday to mark the 79th Day of Liberation from Fascism (Festa della Liberazione), a national public holiday celebrated annually on 25 April.

On this day, Italians remember their compatriots who fought against the fascists and Mussolini’s troops during World War II and honour those who served in the Italian Resistance.

Nicola Fratoianni, Italian politician and leader of the Italian Left party, took part in the Festa della Liberazione and commented it on his X:

“Some people still find it hard to say that I am an anti-fascist, but it is thanks to this simple word that I am now in government. The impressive march in Milan is the best answer to those who want to relegate anti-fascism to the archives.”

Meanwhile, progressivist organisations and and their supporters took to the streets of the Italian city of Bologna on April 25 to protest the actions of political blocs targeting anti-peace initiatives.


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