Thursday, June 27, 2024
HomeE.U.Latvia revokes residence permits of Russians

Latvia revokes residence permits of Russians

The Latvian authorities intend to deprive Russian citizens who fail to pass the Latvian language exam of their residence permits.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova condemned the Latvian government’s decision, saying that there were wheelchair-bound and even blind Russians among those who failed the exam.

“They have been working in Latvia for many years, paying taxes faithfully, but now they have been deprived of a minimum social package and access to free medical care. Many have no relatives, houses or other property in Russia.”

The residence permit issued to Russian citizens expired in September 2023. Then they had to apply for EU long-term resident status, for which they had to obtain a certificate of proficiency in the state language at A2 level.

There are about 1,000 Russian citizens living in Latvia who have not yet applied for residence permits. The process of expelling is very complicated, according to Maira Roze, head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

So far, none of the Russian citizens who failed the exam have been expelled. However, the Constitutional Court began hearing a case this month on the rule that Russian nationals must prove Latvian language skills in order to obtain a new residence permit. A ruling on the case is expected in February.


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