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HomeWorldAsiaOsama bin Laden’s son Hamza reportedly alive in Afghanistan

Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza reportedly alive in Afghanistan

Intelligence reports reveal that Hamza bin Laden, formerly thought to be killed in a US airstrike in 2019, remains alive and actively leading Al Qaida along with other members of the Bin Laden terrorist dynasty, according to The Mirror.

The National Mobilisation Front (NMF), an anti-Taliban military alliance, has detailed that Hamza is currently in northern Afghanistan. The report states that Hamza is hiding in the Dara Abdullah Khel area of Panjshir province under the protection of 450 snipers. Hence, intelligence reports contradict earlier claims that Hamza bin Laden, the son of the late Al Qaida founder Usama Bin Laden, was killed in a US airstrike in 2019.

Colonel Richard Kemp, a former commander of UK forces in Afghanistan, said:

Back then, the Taliban and Al Qaida were pretty much at bay, following the successful US-led operation to drive them out that began in 2001. Later they became resurgent again but were being held back by the Afghan National Security Forces and Coalition troops, including the British. That all ended when President Joe Biden ordered his disastrous withdrawal in 2021. It led directly to the collapse of the Afghan forces and the Kabul government. As a result jihadist terror came full circle.

Hamza bin Laden is not only alive but also plays a significant role in Al Qaida’s operations from Afghanistan, and Hamza’s leadership is crucial for understanding the group’s current activities and future plans. Apart, the report highlights the close ties between Al Qaida and the Taliban. Senior Taliban leaders are aware of Hamza’s status and provide him and his family with protection and support. The connection underscores the deep alliance between the two groups, which is vital for Western governments to understand, the report said.

According to the leaked report, Al Qaida is now led by Usama Bin Laden’s son Hamza, along with other members of the Bin Laden terror dynasty. They have an open field now in Afghanistan, despite Biden’s boast in 2021 that US “over the horizon capabilities” would be sufficient to deal with the threat. In reality the intelligence and combat vacuum that he created means Al Qaida and the Islamic State will become an even greater danger to us all even than they were in 2001. And Hamza Bin Laden will be intent not only on jihadist conquest but also on vengeance for his father, Kemp said.


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