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Republican presidential candidate pledged to separate the US and Chinese economies

An Indian-American Republican presidential candidate has promised to decouple the US and Chinese economies if elected as the country’s next president.

Vivek Ramaswamy, a 38-year-old multi-millionaire biotech entrepreneur, made this strong remark at the party’s third presidential debate in Florida, which featured Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. He also explained why the United States could not “get tough” with “our enemy” China. Ramaswamy said:

“Here’s why we can’t get tough with China. It’s because we depend on them for our modern way of life. And we have to declare economic independence from our enemy.”

He also described it as a declaration of independence, which he will sign after he becomes the country’s president. He added:

“That’s the Declaration of Independence that Thomas Jefferson, at the age of 33, would have signed. And today, if he were alive, that’s the Declaration of Independence that I will sign as the next president.”

According to him, the US depends on the Chinese supply chain “for the F-35 fighter jets, for the ships we’re building”. Washington is also dependent on China for pharmaceuticals and semiconductors. Ramaswamy noted:

“We need politicians who are independent of the forces that increase our dependence on China. My message to Xi Jinping is this, you are done buying land in this country. You will not donate to universities in this country. US businesses won’t expand into the Chinese market until you play by the same set of rules.”

Ramaswamy clashed in a discussion with Nikki Haley during the debate. He said:

“You have the likes of Nikki Haley, who stepped down from her time at the UN, bankrupt or in debt is – was her family. Then, she becomes a military contractor. She joins the board of Boeing and otherwise. And is now a multi-millionaire. So I think that that’s wrong when Republicans do it or Democrats do it. That’s the choice we face.”

He called her Dick Cheney in three-inch heels. Haley said amidst cheers from the audience:

“Yes. I’d first like to say they’re five-inch heels, and I don’t wear them unless you can run in them. The second thing that I will say is: that I wear heels. They’re not for a fashion statement. They’re for ammunition.”

Former US President Donald Trump did not take part in the debate.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the son of Indian immigrants, has called for securing the border by any means necessary, including military force. This could violate an 1878 law that forbids the use of federal troops for civilian law enforcement, but Mr. Ramaswamy argues that securing the border isn’t civilian law enforcement.

The entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has said that abortion should be left to states while nonetheless calling it “murder.” He has said he supports six-week bans at the state level. He opposes military aid and wants Ukraine to concede territory in exchange for Russia breaking with China.


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