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US urged UN Security Council to condemn Iranian attack

The United States called on the United Nations Security Council to “unequivocally” condemn Iran’s attacks on Israel while Russia and Iran criticised the “hypocritical behaviour” and “double standards” of Western countries.

US Ambassador Robert Wood made the statement at an emergency meeting called at Israel’s request to discuss the situation in the Middle East following Iran’s retaliatory strike. The attack was triggered by an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, on April 1.

The Security Council has an obligation to not let Iran’s actions go unanswered. More immediately, the Security Council must unequivocally condemn Iran’s aggressive actions and call for Iran and its partners and proxies to cease their attacks.

Wood stated that the US would consider additional measures in the coming days to hold Iran accountable to the UN.

“The United States is not seeking escalation. Our actions have been purely defensive in nature. The best way to prevent such escalation is an unambiguous condemnation from the Council of Iran’s unprecedented, large-scale attack and an unequivocal call on it and its proxies and partners to refrain from further violence.”

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya declared that “today, the Security Council is witnessing such a parade of Western hypocrisy and double standards that it is even somewhat uncomfortable to watch.”

If Western missions were attacked, you would not hesitate to retaliate and prove your case in this room. Because for you, everything that concerns Western missions and Western citizens is sacred and must be protected.

Recalling Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Nebenzya argued that targeting a diplomatic mission was a cause for war under international law. He also stated that his country had called on the Security Council to “clearly and unequivocally” condemn Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate during the Council’s meeting on April 2.

“The US, the UK and France essentially refused to confirm that the basic principles of international law on the inviolability of diplomatic and consular facilities, enshrined in the relevant Vienna Conventions, apply equally to all states.”

Iran’s Ambassador to the UN, Amir Saeid Iravani, stated that the US, UK and France decided “to turn a blind eye to reality and overlook the root causes contributing to the current situation” as they did not condemn the attack on Iran’s diplomatic premises in Syria.

In hypocritical behavior, these three countries falsely blamed and accused Iran without considering their own failures to uphold their international commitment to peace and security in the region.

However, Israel accused Iran of a “blatant violation of international law”. Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, claimed that Iran’s attack on Israel on Saturday was “an act of utter escalation that could drag the entire region and world into war.”

“Last night’s attack was a blatant violation of international law and the UN Charter. The only option is to condemn Iran and utilise every means necessary to make them pay a heavy price for their horrible crimes.”


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