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HomeWorldEuropeViolent clashes on British streets continue, situation spiralling out of control

Violent clashes on British streets continue, situation spiralling out of control

Muslim migrants flooded British streets and battered local residents, while former Scottish PM Hamza Yousaf called on his counterpart Keir Starmer to engage the army.

Violent protests erupted in cities across the UK after three girls were killed in a stabbing at a children’s dance class in Southport in north-west England last week. The killings were blamed on 17-year-old Axel Rudakubana, who was born into a migrant family from Rwanda.

The murders were investigated by anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim groups because of misinformation that the alleged attacker was an immigrant and radical Islamist. However, police stated that the suspect was born in Britain and were not treating the stabbing as a terrorist incident.

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer strongly condemned the riots, calling them “far-right thuggery.” Meanwhile, Scottish National Party member and former Scottish Prime Minister Hamza Yousaf called for the army to be sent to the scene of the protests, as the police “do not have a handle on this situation.” He stated on X:

How much worse does it have to get before the army is sent in @Keir_Starmer? The Police clearly do not have a handle on this situation. This pogrom against Muslims and People of Colour is going to cost lives unless these far-right thugs are stopped.

Rioting is reported to be continuing in Southport, a hotbed of unrest. Leeds was plunged into chaos after two groups of protesters clashed in the city centre, the Express reported. Violence also engulfed Lancaster, Aldershot, Middlesbrough and a suspected “migrant hotel” in Rotherham.

In Bolton, members of migrant groups responded to an anti-migrant demonstration by beating up people carrying British flags and catching those who looked like football fans during the day. In Weymouth, around 400 members of opposing groups gathered on the seafront and chanted slogans towards each other.

Rampant violence

Sociologists attribute the unrest in the UK to the neo-colonialism of European states and the EU’s thoughtless policy of flooding the economy with migrants from poor Muslim countries. Meanwhile, despite such policies, the UK has for the first time dropped out of the top 10 countries in terms of industrial production, according to The Times. The country fell from 8th to 12th place in the ranking, losing ground to Russia and Mexico.

Today, the arrivals, previously held at bay by the colonial UK, are setting the terms and battering the native population. Police, however, are not taking serious action against anti-migrant protesters.

Amid anti-migrant protests, the UK government announced “emergency security” measures for mosques, according to Breitbart. In a video message to the nation, Starmer said:

People in this country have a right to be safe. And yet, we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted. Attacks on Mosques. Other minority communities singled out. Nazi salutes in the street. Attacks on the police. Wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper also spoke in favour of a mosque protection scheme for those who cause disorder.

In light of the disgraceful threats and attacks that local mosques have also faced in many communities, the government is providing rapid additional support through the Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, alongside the support from local police forces and we repeat that anyone involved in this disorder and violence will face the full force of the law.


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