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HomeWorldMiddle EastWorld community condemns Israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital

World community condemns Israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital

The killing of 500 people in the besieged Gaza Strip has sparked a wave of protests in the West Bank, Turkey, Jordan and other countries – TRT World.

Israel’s actions led to the deaths of at least 500 Palestinians at the Gaza hospital, which was sheltering wounded and displaced people from Israeli bombardment.

Reaction of neighbouring countries

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called the bombing of the hospital a “hideous war massacre.”

“Israel has crossed all red lines. … We will not leave nor allow anyone to expel us from there.”

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh stated that the Israeli attack was “a horrific crime, a genocide,” holding Israel and all those who support it accountable.

Lebanese Hezbollah called for a strong response:

Let tomorrow, Wednesday, be a day of rage against the enemy.

Middle East

Saudi Arabia strongly condemned the “heinous crime” committed by Israeli forces in the Al-Ahli hospital bombing in the Gaza Strip.

“This dangerous development forces the international community to abandon double standards and selectivity in applying international humanitarian law when it comes to Israeli criminal practices. It requires a serious and firm stance to provide protection for defenseless civilians.”

Iran’s Foreign Ministry condemned the strike, which it said killed and wounded hundreds of “unarmed and defenceless people,” Iranian state media reported. President Ebrahim Raisi:

The flames of US-Israeli bombs dropped tonight on innocent Palestinians being treated for wounds in Gaza’s hospital will soon engulf the Zionists. No free human being’s silence is permissible in the face of such a war crime. Iran, as a part of the Islamic nation, is grieving.

Jordan’s King Abdullah II strongly condemned Israel’s attacks on the hospital. The country’s leader warned that the war entered a very dangerous phase that would drag the region into crisis, noting that the international community must put an end to the bloodshed.

“His Majesty considered this a heinous war crime that cannot be tolerated, and Israel must immediately stop its brutal aggression against Gaza, which is inconsistent with humanitarian and moral values and constitutes a flagrant violation of the rules of international humanitarian law.”

The United Arab Emirates expressed “deep regret for the loss of life and conveyed its condolences to the families of the victims, wishing a swift recovery for all those injured.” It called for “an immediate cessation of hostilities and ensuring that civilian persons and institutions are not attacked.”

Nearby countries

Kuwait strongly condemned the “Israeli occupation forces’ barbaric air strike.” The Foreign Ministry stated:

The occupation forces targeting of hospitals and public facilities is a violation of the International Humanitarian Law.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on “all humanity to take action to stop this unprecedented brutality in the Gaza Strip.”

“Hitting a hospital containing women, children and innocent civilians is the latest example of Israel’s attacks devoid of the most basic human values.”

Former Foreign Minister and head of the centre-left Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also condemned the attack on the hospital, calling it “open proof of Israeli brutality.” Pakistani Foreign Ministry claimed:

“Attacking a hospital, where civilians were seeking shelter and emergency treatment is inhumane and indefensible. The indiscriminate targeting of civilian population and facilities is a grave violation of international law and constitutes war crimes. We call on the international community to take urgent measures to bring an immediate end to the Israeli bombardment and siege of Gaza and the impunity with which Israeli authorities have operated in the last few days.”

Qatar’s Foreign Ministry stated, “In this regard, the Ministry calls on the international community to assume its responsibility and deter Israel from committing more crimes against civilians.”

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sisi stated that Cairo was following the situation with deep regret. He demanded an immediate halt to the Israeli bombardment of besieged Gaza.

“Therefore, I condemn in the strongest terms this deliberate bombing, which is considered a clear violation of international law and the provisions of international legitimacy and humanity.”

European reaction

UK politician Keir Starmer said, “International law must be upheld. Hospitals and civilian lives must be protected.”

Scotland expressed its commitment to provide safety and shelter for refugees from the besieged Gaza Strip, according to First Minister Humza Yousaf.

There can be no justification for this. None whatsoever. If people cannot be safe in a hospital, where can they? This attack must be unequivocally condemned in the strongest possible manner.

The German Foreign Ministry claimed it was deeply shocked by reports of hundreds of deaths at Al-Ahli hospital in the Gaza Strip.

“Civilian targets, notably a fully operational hospital with patients and health personnel, must not be attacked by anyone under any circumstances. Civilians must be protected in conflict.”

French President Emmanuel Macron said “nothing can justify targeting civilians” after Israel launched an air strike on a hospital. He called for “humanitarian access to the coastal strip without delay.”

Nothing can justify a strike against a hospital. Nothing can justify targeting civilians. France condemns the attack on the Al Ahli Arabi hospital in Gaza, which caused so many Palestinian victims. We think of them.

Rest of the world

US President Joe Biden delayed his visit to Jordan after the Israeli strike on a hospital in the Gaza and expressed condolences for the victims.

“The president sent his deepest condolences for the innocent lives lost in the hospital explosion in Gaza, and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the airstrike “horrific and absolutely unacceptable,” saying it was ” not acceptable to hit a hospital.”

African Union head Moussa Faki Mahamat accused Israel of a “war crime.”

There are no words to fully express our condemnation of Israel’s bombing of a #Gaza hospital today, killing hundreds of people.

The World Health Organisation also condemned the deadly strike and demanded immediate protection of civilians and medical assistance to the sector.

“WHO strongly condemns the attack on Al Ahli Arab Hospital. The hospital was operational, with patients, health- and care-givers, and internally-displaced people sheltering there. Early reports indicate hundreds of fatalities and injuries.”


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